Beautiful post Michelle. I'm an only child but Aidan is the younger sibling to an Eldest Daughter, and after you started talking about it on here I began to recognise these traits in her too - she would do dinner, clean up, keep the house afloat etc while there were none of these expectations on his head. It's really helped me see things from her POV and to have open discussions with Aid about it too, so thank you very much <3
Thanks so much Soph! It's a really strange – yet great! – position to be in, and I don't know how to be anything but this. I'm glad you've found it so insightful and helpful!
Beautifully written Michelle! I'm an eldest sibling to one sister, and I relate to so many of the feelings you bring to life in here. I've always struggled with prioritising myself (even though I know it's so important), for it can be hard to shake off the worry that sits there for others. I'm glad I read this today!
In recent years I'm really trying my hardest to prioritise myself a little more, even if it's just for an hour or a day each week. At the very least, we know that we're empathetic and wildly kind people 😂
Mi sono sentita e forse mi sento tutt'ora così, e sono ormai arrivata alla conclusione che siamo cresciute prima perché qualcuno non ha saputo o voluto rinunciare al suo ruolo (di genitore)
I loved reading about you learning to make time for yourself while I made time for myself and enjoyed a quiet few minutes with a coffee reading this newsletter!
Beautiful post Michelle. I'm an only child but Aidan is the younger sibling to an Eldest Daughter, and after you started talking about it on here I began to recognise these traits in her too - she would do dinner, clean up, keep the house afloat etc while there were none of these expectations on his head. It's really helped me see things from her POV and to have open discussions with Aid about it too, so thank you very much <3
Thanks so much Soph! It's a really strange – yet great! – position to be in, and I don't know how to be anything but this. I'm glad you've found it so insightful and helpful!
Beautifully written Michelle! I'm an eldest sibling to one sister, and I relate to so many of the feelings you bring to life in here. I've always struggled with prioritising myself (even though I know it's so important), for it can be hard to shake off the worry that sits there for others. I'm glad I read this today!
Thanks so much Harriet!
In recent years I'm really trying my hardest to prioritise myself a little more, even if it's just for an hour or a day each week. At the very least, we know that we're empathetic and wildly kind people 😂
It sounds great when you put it like that! 😅 Even if it's little and often, finding time to prioritise yourself is a win 🙌
Mi sono sentita e forse mi sento tutt'ora così, e sono ormai arrivata alla conclusione che siamo cresciute prima perché qualcuno non ha saputo o voluto rinunciare al suo ruolo (di genitore)
This is such a good perspective – now here's to reclaiming our childhoods ❤️
The perfect Sunday morning read from bed 💛
Thank you Kaya ❤️
I loved reading about you learning to make time for yourself while I made time for myself and enjoyed a quiet few minutes with a coffee reading this newsletter!
I love this so much!!