I loved the warm glow of this piece. I'm going to go make a list of 小东西 that make me happy now!

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Watching the tulips must have been such a delight! Nature is awe-inspiring, truly.

My joys last week were the sweet gestures from my colleagues at my last day at work.

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They're always a joy, the sweetest reminder that winter does eventually end in England 😂

That sounds so lovely! Congratulations on ending this chapter ❤️

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Haha thats true, flowers are the best mark of seasons. Hope spring comes soon to Britain! And thank you!

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Can’t beat when the bulbs start to burst through 🌷 a lovely joyful list as always!

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Yesss! Spring is surely on its way and I am here for it. Thanks so much Allie!

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It’s the collection of little moments like this that make up a big beautiful life 🥹

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It really is! Day to day, I don't feel like things have amounted to much, but upon weekly reflection, life is really so beautiful.

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I look forward to reading this every time!!

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Thanks Heather!! Also, been thinking about that pizza a LOT 👀 We should go back soon!

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Ahhh there’s nothing better than seeing tulips at this time of year!! Tulips, daffodils and snowdrops are always my favourites because they remind me that spring is nearly here 🌷🌷

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Yes! Spotted some snowdrops last night and it brought a smile to my face. Give me spring and some British pretend warmth!

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This is just *the* most lovely list! Im so pleased your new house is starting to feel much like home. Can relate to that first cup of tea after being away— a cup of magic! Yes to finding pockets of magical light in new places: we moved our spare bedroom around at the end of last year and it’s been dark when I have gotten home ever since but I’m *just* beginning to make it home for sunset and the light is so pretty now it’s got space to glitter and dance!

Have the most lovely weekend xxx

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Thanks Sally – we're getting there slowly!

Oh isn't late winter's light just lovely? I'm gasping for spring now, but really trying to appreciate the glittering winter sun.

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